Post by Admin on Aug 15, 2014 19:50:51 GMT
This is your place to begin a conversation on Bi-Polar Disorder. Forgive me if I seem a little 'over-organized'. It's just that when I am looking for something in particular, I'd rather like to get to it soon. Life can be so hectic with a Tourette's child, and therefore time is precious.
Our daughter had bi-polar disorder as a comorbid with her Tourette Syndrome. We did not have luck with very many medications, until she was old enough to be prescribed for Lithium. (I did try many natural diets and treatments first without success). Lithium salts worked surprisingly well at keeping her mood stable and 'up-lifted'. Because this is a natural metal, blood tests had to be given every quarter, to insure there were no toxic build-ups. I have ofter thought, "If there was just one medication I could choose to keep, Lithium would win." It did not do much to relief the tics though.
Please start your posts here with subjects regarding Bi-Polar. Thanks!